Underwater Trash the Dress Shoot!

A couple of months ago we did something a little different and headed down to Busselton jetty for an underwater trash the dress session!

Living in Dongara and being passionate about the ocean, Carli & Shae asked us if they could swap the engagement session included in their wedding package with a post wedding underwater shoot. Never ones to shy away from a challenge we said yes, and so a few days after their beautiful March wedding at Aqua resort Jo and Bianca met them at the end of Busselton jetty for some experimental fun. 

The shoot took a lot of planning and of course safety was of paramount importance, but it was well worth the effort and the experience is something that we will all remember for a long time!

You can check out how we went about it and what Carli had to say in this very cool feature on one of our favourite wedding blogsites, Coast to Country Weddings:



underwater portrait busselton jetty