Surviving Summer Weddings - A Bride's Guide to Beating the Heat


Summer in the South West is a beautiful time of year. Long days, blue skies and beautiful's no wonder it's such a popular time to get married. But we all know that the summer heat can bring with it some challenges, and having been photographing weddings for over ten years we have learned a good few tricks to beat the heat and make sure couples can enjoy the Big Day they've always dreamed of, with the perfect pictures to boot.So here, for all you lucky Summer brides, we have put together our top ten tips for surviving summer weddings and ensuring you have your perfect day.

Beach wedding

Beach wedding

1. Find the Shade

We all love an outdoor ceremony, but standing in the full sun for up to an hour while you say your "I Do's" and greet your guests can be a recipe for disaster. Guests will be too busy melting to really focus on the special moments, and brides with lily white complexions (like us) could quickly change from snow white beauty to Larry lobster, which is never a good look! A simple fix is to simply find some shade. For garden ceremonies trees provide beautiful natural shade and a great backdrop, so make the most of them. If you're having a beach ceremony then consider hiring a marquee or some pretty market umbrellas to protect everyone from the sun - you can even jazz them up with lots of white flowing fabric to create a gorgeous romantic setting for your Big Day. Whatever you do just make sure you're all fully in the shade and not half in and half out - trust us, your guests will thank you for it and your photos will look much better too!

Bridgetown garden wedding ceremony

Bridgetown garden wedding ceremony

2. Look after your Guests

So you have invited all your closest friends and family to come and share your special day with you, and they of course are excited to be there. Look after your guests so that everyone enjoys the day and looks back on your wedding as the awesome celebration it is. Choose bonbonnieres that help your guests stay cool and give them out at the start of the day. Personalised water bottles look super cute and pretty fans, parasols or beach shoes can also be a great idea.

wedding thongs frangipani water

wedding thongs frangipani water

3. Slip, Slap, Slop!

It seems like a no-brainer, but in all the excitement of getting ready and becoming a Princess for your Big Day it's easy to forget the sunscreen. You'll be in and out of the sun all day, so before you get your hair and make up done remember to apply a liberal layer of high sun protection. As talented as we are at Photoshopping, editing the skin colour of a bright red bride is not the easiest task!

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