Watershed Wines Wedding ~ Laura & David


Family orientated weddings always make us smile.  When the joining of two hands also includes the joining of small hands too…we smile even more.Laura and David shared their special day with their three sons Kyle, Cody and Zayne. The boys enthusiasm for the wedding made us giggle on more than one occasion.

David's expression as Laura walked down the aisle was priceless. This day had obviously been a long time coming, and was so very special to everyone who witnessed it. And when the couple vows to love each other through sore feet in heels, demanding workouts, boring cricket games and the long footy season, you know it MUST be true love! ;-)

After the ceremony we spent some time playing in the gardens and through the vines at the gorgeous Watershed Winery. The reception was beautifully decorated and incorporated a very cool Polaroid guest book attached to a mirror clothes line! What a great idea :-)

And the rules for the night?

Eat well,

Drink well,


Hit the dance floor,

And take some cake!

Images by Clare Day and Bianca Tibaldi
