Business Branding Portrait - Nick's Lifestyle Coaching

It's a lesser known fact that while we are not full tilt during wedding season we also offer Business Branding Portraits to help businesses of all types put their best selves out there into the world. 

Marketing experts these days tell you that to be successful in business you need to make a personal connection with your potential clients, and in today's age of social media with people scrolling through literally tonnes of information a day, it's hard to stand out. 

Yes, millions of images exist online so you can pay a small fee for stock photography to fill your website and social media profiles with. But do generic images of things that relate to your business really help you stand out? Or would you be better off putting a little time and effort into creating your own library of images so that people who connect with your brand actually see you and your business?

Or perhaps you can just get by taking your own photos? Maybe you can, but it's worth remembering that your photos represent your business, and low quality imagery will communicate the same about your business. 

If you're not sure if representing your brand visually in the best way possible is so important, just check out this article, it sums it up pretty well:

Last week we had the pleasure of getting to know Nick who is interested in becoming a Lifestyle Coach. An ex-body builder he leads a healthy lifestyle inspired by positive thinking and a love of the outdoors, and his dream is to follow his passion and help others do the same. After a planning session together to storyboard ideas and visualise what he wanted his future brand to look like, we went out and captured a library of images for him to use when he starts up to really show people what he and his business are all about and build trust in his brand right from the word go.

Every time we create a branding portrait we capture a range of images that can be used across different platforms and are versatile in the ways they can be displayed - from website banners to profile pictures, abstract ideas and traditional print media layouts there are so many ways we need to visually communicate these days, so we make sure our clients have the ability to easily do that. 

We can plan sessions in many different portraits are not reserved just for big business with big budgets, we can create great looking images anywhere. 

Here are just a few of the images we captured for Nick's own personal stock library...with this gallery of images at his fingertips we just know he'll be a Lifestyle Coach that motivates us all to get out and get healthy!



If you'd like us to create a better image of your brand simply get in touch to find out how!

E mail us at or call us on 08 9791 4226 and we will be in touch.
