March at the Studio


We’re not really sure where to start with March, in a word it was Epic!Seven weddings including our first ever fusion wedding videos scattered throughout the beautiful Southwest, two engagement sessions, a newborn portrait (plus sisters ;-)) and a couples portrait including a trip to the airfield and Sir Henry the dog. All that as well as several new client meetings, wedding planning sessions, portrait planning sessions, ordering sessions, lots of new bookings and of course a new team member, our fabulous studio assistant Bianca (welcome to the mad house Bianca) - and not a moment too soon!

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Phew! we’re exhausted just thinking about it!

We usually like to give all of our amazing clients a mention in our monthly roundup but there was just so much happening in March that we think we’d need a publisher and a book deal to write it all down. So instead, here are a few highlights for you to enjoy, and we promise we will blog all the amazing occasions for you soon!

Oh, and on a personal level there is not much to report as we have all been either at work or asleep ;-)

We hope you had a great month too!

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