Bunbury Photography Workshops New Facebook Page!

Now that our Photography Workshops are up and running we thought it would be great to set up a dedicated Facebook page. 

The page will be a space where we will let you know about upcoming workshops and courses, and also provide helpful hints and photography tips just for fun!

If you are learning photography, or even if you'd just like to be able to take better photos, head on over and "Like" our new page, you won't be disappointed!



And don't forget to tell your friends!

A Fun Photography Workshop!

Last weekend we ran our very first Photography Workshop here at The Photography Boutique, and we are happy to say that it was a smashing success!

We had a fantastic group of 6 attendees with us for the day, all with different interests, but all keen to get their cameras off Auto to start taking better photos. 

It's amazing what a bit of knowledge can do for people. Modern cameras are such amazing pieces of technology and when you know what they can do you can start to produce beautiful photographs. 

We spent the morning in the studio talking about exposure, shutter speed, aperture and ISO, as well as lots of other things that came up throughout the morning. We mixed up classroom learning with getting everyone's cameras out, finding the settings, experimenting with what was being learnt, and having some fun! In the afternoon we took what we learnt out onto the streets of Bunbury and pounded the pavements to practice some new techniques and put our cameras into action. 

A good time was had by all and the feedback was great from everyone who attended. Here are some of the comments from our lovely attendees:

"I have had the most amazing, awesome and informative day ever. Thanks ladies!"

"Awesome day of learning, sharing and friendship. Thank you for your patience, time and effort Jo and Clare. I would recommend this workshop to all my friends and anyone wanting to know the basics of photography." 

"Thank you so much! I feel much less clueless about using my camera and I actually feel confident at shooting not in Auto Mode. Thank you."


Our next Workshop day is on Sunday 5th July. If you own a camera and you don't know how to use it then book yourself in and learn, you'll never have to miss out on the memories that are important to you again!

Simply visit our Workshops page for more info and to book:



The happy smiling faces of our Photo Walk attendees :-)

Bunbury Photo Walk