Check out our new studio!

We realise things have been pretty quiet in blog town lately here at Clare Day but it's not because we haven't been hard at work. In fact it's because we have been soooo hard at work that we just haven't had time!

So many exciting things have been happening that it's hard to even know where to start. But let's try starting here......



Business is going so well and we love our clients so much that we decided you deserve a beautiful space to come and visit when you come to see us.

And we deserve it too ;-)

Our studio is a classy space full of beautiful smiling faces (on the walls and in the office!) where you can come to see our latest and greatest work, catch up with us, and make big beautiful plans to create amazing memories - from weddings and milestones to all the moments in between.

Of course with such a lovely space at our disposal we thought it would be a shameful waste if we didn't make the very most of it, so stay tuned for our next post...when we'll be introducing you to our awesomely talented new studio photographer Jo!

Our new studio is at 3 Zoe Street, Bunbury - next to Harley Davidson (brrrrmmmmmm.....)

We just love visitors so drop in and see us any time :-)